Support our 3/3 Deployed Marines

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Edetted by Dawk Hawpy
Recipient of the 1969
Dysentery Squirts Medal
(with TP clusters)
For bravery in the face of
microbal invasive forces.
All original materials graphics and presentation property of the
Do not duplicate without written consent.
Copyright 2004-2011
This publication is a service for the 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines RVN Association and published courtesy of the It is intended to inform, as well as stimulate the brotherhood of our alumni who served with 3/3. We strive to present not only our history, but to provide information that may prove beneficial to our veterans of 3/3 and to military veterans of all eras. Historical content pertinent to these goals is appreciated. No political pieces will be published here... that is not the function of this publication. Sources of articles will be credited when known, and some editing may be necessary to conform with our format
This publication is mailed in print form to interested alumni, at no charge, who do not have internet access ... and is available here to the 2,700+ who are online.
Published 3 times per year in Jan-May-Sep
Please enjoy our efforts, and to all our veterans and families...
Proofreader MsKitty hard at work
3/3 Newsletter (unofficial)