Reunion 2006
Colorado Springs CO
July 18-23, 2006
The next 3/3 Battalion Reunion is just around the corner… almost. Get your plans made to attend and reservations made with the
: $99.00
Double/Doubles : $99.00
All rooms are non-smoking
Room Reservations: 719-576-8900
Accepting Reservations after July 25th, 2005
(Be sure your reservations are for 3/3)
Events will be finalized toward the end of this year, and posted online. Reunion booklets will be printed late this year, including all info and mailed to all hands approximately Jan 1st, 2006.
If your contact info, email address, etc. has changed, be sure to get the updated info to Doc Hoppy to insure you are included in the mailing. It will also be corrected in the on-line secured database.
The 2004 Reunion was a huge success and this gathering should surpass it. Even as we grow in numbers in contact, we also grow in members who reach final muster. Each reunion becomes more important and vital. Don’t miss this opportunity to touch base with old comrades; it may be the last opportunity for some of us.